Transport, Molecular Thermodynamics, and Electrochemical Engineering

We generate insights on the dynamics of complex systems through experiments, theoretical analysis, and simulation. Aims of the research include enabling the efficient control and processing of these systems which are used in a wide range of industries, products, and emerging technologies.


Photo of Jason E. Butler Jason Butler Professor
(352) 392-2591

Research Interests: Dynamics of Complex Fluids, Suspension and Multiphase Fluid Mechanics, Microfluidic Flows, Rheology

Photo of Won Tae Choi Won Tae Choi Assistant Professor
(352) 392-9102

Research Interests: Electrochemical Engineering of Materials for Energy Conversion & Storage, Electro- and Photocatalysis, and Electronics

Photo of Henry C. W. Chu Henry Chu Assistant Professor

Ph.D., 2017, Cornell University

Research Interests: Complex Fluid Dynamics, Colloid and Interface Science, Electrokinetics, and Rheology

Photo of Dmitry Kopelevich Dmitry Kopelevich Instructional Professor, Harry and Bertha Bernstein Professor and Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies
(352) 392-4422

Ph.D., 2002, University of Notre Dame

Research Interests: Molecular and Multi-scale Modeling, Nanoscale Transport Phenomena, Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics

Photo of Anthony J.C. Ladd Anthony Ladd Professor
(352) 392-6509

Research Interests: Numerical Simulations of Complex Fluids: Reactive Flows in Porous Media, Hydrodynamic Interactions, Dynamics of Filament Networks

Photo of Joshua D. Moon Joshua Moon Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Polymer membranes, Multi-component separations, Mass transport in polymers, Soft material design and characterization

Ranga Narayanan Distinguished Professor
(352) 392-9103

Ph.D., 1978, Illinois Institute of Technology (1981)

Research Interests: Interfacial instabilities, Transport phenomena with life support, materials science and biomedical applications

Photo of Mark Orazem Mark Orazem Distinguished Professor and Associate Chair for Graduate Studies
(352) 392-6207

Research Interests: Electrochemical Engineering: Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, Corrosion (including cathodic protection), Current Distribution in Electrochemical Systems, Fuel Cells, Mathematical Modeling.

Photo of Juan Manuel Restrepo-Flórez Juan Manuel Restrepo-Flórez Assistant Professor
(352) 392-6591

Research Interests: Sustainability, Process Synthesis, Optimization, Energy Efficient Separations (membranes and adsorption)

Photo of Carlos M. Rinaldi-Ramos Carlos Rinaldi-Ramos Department Chair and Dean’s Leadership Professor
(352) 392-0881

Research Interests: Biomedical applications of magnetic nanoparticles; fundamental fluid physics of suspensions of magnetic nanoparticles; magnetic nanoparticle synthesis and functionalization; suspension hydrodynamics and rheology.

Photo of Janani Sampath Janani Sampath Assistant Professor

Ph.D. 2018, The Ohio State University

Research Interests: Polymer Membranes, Polymer-Protein Conjugates, Self-Assembly, Computational Materials Design

Photo of Sergey Vasenkov Sergey Vasenkov Professor
(352) 392-0315

Research Interests: Translational Dynamics in Biomembranes, Transport in Porous Materials with Hierarchy of Pore sizes, Transport-optimized Catalysis and Separations