Anthony J.C. Ladd - Complex and Multiphase Flow Dynamics

Narayanan LabInsights on the dynamics of complex and multiphase fluids through experiments, theoretical analysis, and simulation are generated. A wide range of industries, products, and emerging technologies are being favorably impacted.


Photo of Anthony J.C. Ladd

Anthony Ladd

Work Office: CHE 225 Lab: CHE 229 1006 Center Drive Work Phone: (352) 392-6509 Website: Ladd Lab


OUR RESEARCH FOCUSES ON DYNAMICS at scales that are small macroscopically (μm to mm), but are large compared to molecular sizes. The research combines statistical mechanics and fluid dynamics with advanced computing to elucidate the key physical processes that underlie laboratory observations and measurements. Current applications include:

REACTIVE TRANSPORT IN POROUS MEDIA Flow and transport in porous media are usually modeled at the Darcy scale, where the system is described locally by average properties, such as porosity, permeability, dispersion coefficients, and reactive surface area. Although this allows large volumes to be simulated efficiently, there are serious difficulties in developing suitable models for the properties of the individual elements. Pore-scale modeling overcomes many of the limitations of Darcy-scale models, replacing unknown functions with well-defined parameters. Nevertheless, it is not yet clear that a single set of parameters – fluid viscosity, ion diffusion coefficients, and surface reaction rates – can consistently describe the dissolution of samples with different pore structures. The goal of our DOE sponsored project is to investigate the dissolution of idealized samples both numerically and experimentally to prove (or disprove) the correctness of the underlying equations.

MIGRATION OF DNA IN COMBINED FLOW AND ELECTRIC FIELDS This project (in collaboration with Dr. Jason Butler) aims to investigate both the fundamental physics and potential biotechnological applications of the effect of a combination of hydrodynamic shear and electric field. From a fundamental point of view, the interest is to better understand the novel mechanism by which a charged polymer (like DNA) can be manipulated in directions perpendicular to the field lines. In a simple microfluidic device this can cause a rapid accumulation and trapping of the DNA, with implications for both biosensing and DNA extraction applications.


Ph.D., 1978, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England

Research Areas

Complex Fluids
Soft Matter
Transport phenomena

Awards & Distinctions

  • American Institute of Chemical Engineers Thomas Baron Award
  • American Physical Society Fellow
  • Humboldt Research Award
