Congratulations to Kelly Bukovic, Caroline Hamric, Kyle Howarth, and Leyda Marrero Morales who were recently selected as Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering University Scholars for 2019-2020!
The Department of Chemical Engineering is proud to have the following awardees:

Kelly Bukovic
Major: Chemical Engineering
Mentor: Whitney Stoppel, Ph.D.
Research project description:Methods for quantifying success of fetal tissue decellularization process including histological analysis, mass loss, compositional analysis and planar uniaxial tensile testing.

Caroline Hamric
Major: Chemical Engineering
Mentor: Whitney Stoppel, Ph.D.
Research project description: Investigating new methods and detergents to obtain extracellular matrix (ECM) from fetal tissues without compromising ECM structure and integrity.

Kyle Howarth
Major: Chemical Engineering
Mentor: Ranga Narayanan, Ph.D.
Research project description: Mixing in microsystems is of importance in Lab-on-a chip devices, in microgravity processing, and in micro-heat pipes. This mixing can be caused by flow instabilities. Flow instabilities due to resonant interaction between parametric forcing and the natural frequency leads to interfacial patterns. This project is about prediction and experimental validation of the onset of interfacial patterns between fluid layers. This requires work with 3D printing of experiments, imaging, and data analysis.

Leyda Marrero Morales
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Mentor: Carlos Rinaldi, Ph.D.
Research project description: Our research is based on delivery of the combined treatment of chemotherapeutic agents and magnetic mild-hyperthermia (thermal treatment) at 42°C by using superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPION) to treat breast cancer cells.
The University Scholars Program introduces undergraduate students at the University of Florida to the exciting world of academic research. In the program, students work one-on-one with UF faculty on selected research projects. The University Scholars Program serves as an exceptional capstone to the academic careers of UF students.