FAQ Category: Ph.D. Application and Admission FAQ

How does UF ChE Evaluate Ph.D. applications?

UF ChE evaluates applications by assessing the student’s qualifications in 5 categories: Academic Preparation, Research and Technical Skills, Communication Skills, Persistence and Motivation, and Leadership and Outreach. The applicant’s personal statement, CV/resume, transcripts, and recommendation letters are used in our… Read More

Does UF ChE have a qualifying exam?

UF ChE has a set of requirements for obtaining “Ph.D. Candidate” status. These requirements do not include a formal test. Students are evaluated via their performance in the core graduate courses and via their proposal defense. 

Why is Gainesville a great place to live?

Gainesville is a lovely city, with a very reasonable cost of living and a diverse population. Gainesville has an array of restaurants, parks, breweries, and outdoor activities. As a city, Gainesville values education and diversity, with spaces for people of… Read More

How do Ph.D. qualifying examinations work?  

To advance from graduate student status to an official Ph.D. Candidate, we have a few requirements: A grade of B- or better in all core ChE graduate courses Overall GPA of 3.0 or better Submission of a written proposal document… Read More

How does advisor selection work?

Graduate students join the department as a cohort each fall semester. During the first month, students participate in a matching process. This includes the ability to meet with as many faculty members as they would like (at least 3), participation… Read More